
The Future of Indian Agriculture, with some comparisons with China 讲座预告

“The Future of Indian Agriculture, with some comparisons with China”

2012年3月8日 周四 14:30-16:30

演讲人:Hans Binswanger-Mkhize 教授
主持人:朱信凯 教授
评论人:Thomas Reardon 教授

讲座主要内容:Hans’s talk will focus on the transformation of Indian agriculture, with growth scenarios in production technology and demand over the next several decades. He will make comparisons with Chinese agriculture.

Hans Binswanger-Mkhize is one of the most famous agricultural economists in the world, with decades as a leader in agricultural development at the World Bank, at ICRISAT in India, and he is now also an Adjunct Professor at Nongda. His work is summarized in http://www.binswanger.co.za/Curriculum-Vitae.aspx and below
Curriculum Vitae of:
Hans P Binswanger-Mkhize
Hans Binswanger-Mkhize is a well known agricultural development economist. After a long career in the World Bank he now works as an independent consultant from South Africa, where he is honorary professor at the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation at Tshwane University of Technology. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences and of the American Agricultural Economics Association, a recipient of the Elmhirst Medal of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, and is listed in “Who is Who in Economics.”

He has published on a wide range of topics:
The economics of technology generation and its impact, food security, agricultural mechanization, the evolution of farming systems in Africa, the prospects for African and Indian Agriculture, farmer behavior under risk, agricultural supply response, the impact of rural finance on agricultural investment, production relations in agriculture, the world history of land accumulation and land reform, the political economy of agricultural and agrarian policies, agriculture and food policy, land policy and land reform, community-driven development, rural development strategy, and approaches to combat HIV and AIDS.

Current positions:
Adjunct Professor, College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing
Senior Fellow, Amsterdam Institute for Development
Chairman: Community and Enterprise Development Against Stigma (CEDAS) Trust, Harare
Consultant: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Centennial Group, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid TropicsSyngenta Foundation for Sustainable Development, World Bank

Past Positions:
World Bank, various research and management positions, from 1980-2004
Principal Economist, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India, 1975-1980
Research Associate, Economic Growth Center, Yale University, 1978-1980
Research Associate, University of Minnesota, 1973-1974

Certificate in Political Sciences, University of Paris, 1964
M.S. in Agricultural Sciences, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland, 1969
Ph.D., Economics, North Carolina State University, 1973

Elmhirst Medal of the International Association of Agricultural Economist, 2006
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 2002
Fellow, American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), 1997
Distinguished Alumnus, College of Business and Economics, N.C. State University, 2001
Who is Who in Economics, Edited by Mark Blaug, 1986 and 1996
Quality of Research Discovery from the AAEA, 1988
Quality of Research Discovery from the AAEA, 1979

Thomas Reardon is, since December 2011, 1000 Talents Program Professor in the School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development at Renmin University of China in Beijing. He has been professor at Michigan State University since January 1992, Visiting Fellow of IFPRI since 2011, and Post-doctoral fellow then Research Fellow at International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington DC from 1984 to 1991. His PhD is from the University of California at Berkeley.

Tom’s research focuses on links between agrifood industry transformation and food security and energy in Asia. He has worked extensively (in Asia and Latin America) on the “supermarket revolution” and other supply chain transformation, and novel development strategies to link small farmers to dynamic markets. He has undertaken extensive supply chains studies including detailed and sample survey studies at the farm, trader, processor and retail levels, in China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and in Latin America, on rice, potato, dairy, fish/shrimp, mango, guava, strawberry, and tomatoes. In China he has undertaken surveys in Heilongjiang, Beijing, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hebei, and Shandong.

Tom’s work in Asia has been funded by World Bank, ACIAR, ADB, USAID, DFID, IDRC, FAO, the Gates Foundation, the Governments of China and India. His career total research funding to date is 78 million RMB.

Tom has a forthcoming invited paper for the inaugural issue of Global Food Security (journal) on energy and food supply chain transformation. He has an ADB book forthcoming on rice and potato value chains in Asia, with Bart Minten and Kevin Chen of IFPRI, and an Oxford University Press book on food market transformation in developing countries (with Jo Swinnen, the President of the International Association of Agricultural Economics). With Peter Timmer (Harvard emeritus), he wrote the chapter on agricultural and food markets transformation in the AAEA’s Handbook of Agricultural Economics. He has published 5 books, 12 guest-edited issues of major international journals, 96 journal articles (mainly in international journals, including PNAS (Proceedings of the Academy of Science of the USA), Science, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Economics (journal of the IAAE), World Development, Journal of Economic Geography, and the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review.

Tom is listed in Who’s Who in Economics, was a personal invitee to the World Economic Forum in Davos, was a member of the Global Council on Food Security of the World Economic Forum, and his work has been featured on the front page of the New York Times. As of February 2012, his work has 10,419 citations in Google Scholar, 1521 citations in the ISI (Web of Science, including Social Sciences Citation Index and Sciences Citation Index-Expanded), and has him listed in IDEAS/REPEC’s “top 5% of economists” globally (of 30,728 registered). He is on the editorial board of the journals Global Food Security, Development Policy Review, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, and Agricultural Economics (of the International Association of Agricultural Economics).





